The current rate of London Weighting allowance at Goldsmiths is £2825 across all spine points. While it is increased annually in line with the nationally agreed pay rise (1% for the year 2015-16) there has been no substantial increase in the basic amount since 2004. Yet, as we all know, the costs of living in London in comparison with the rest of the country are rocketing upwards year upon year.
As a result of unions’ campaigns in pre-92 universities like Kings College, Birkbeck and University of London our colleagues there are receiving around £3500 as their London Weighting allowance. Additionally, post-92 universities like London Metropolitan University have paid their staff £4,437 since 2014 and University of Greenwich values London Weighting at £4,546 for support staff. Taking this into account we believe that a request for an increase to £4000 for Goldsmiths staff will be both reasonable and affordable.
During the past 18 months, UNISON and the UCU have made two approaches to College management to ask them to consider an increase, but have been refused. So now we feel it’s time for everyone to have their say. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey and tell us just how the rising costs of living in London are affecting you.
Answers will be completely anonymous, no individual can be identified from any of the answers given. We will use statistical data and information gathered to prepare and launch a campaign for increased London weighting and present a claim for an increase to College management.
We need as much information from as many of Goldsmiths staff as possible, so please forward the link to non-union colleagues.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us
(UNISON members and enquiries e-mail tel 020 7717 2264; UCU members and enquiries e-mail tel 020 7919 7474)
Thank you for your help, we look forward to hearing from you!
On behalf of UNISON and UCU joint campaign,
Suzanne Stead Branch Secretary UNISON Goldsmiths College Branch ![]() |
Marian Carty President Goldsmiths UCU |