General guidance
- If you feel unwell or any member of your household or anybody you have recently come into contact with is or has recently become unwell. Do NOT come use the Union Office. Contact your line management immediately.
- If any departmental staff, staff, students and visitors attending the University are living with anyone who is self-isolating with COVID-19 they must go home and self-isolate in line with government guidance.
- If you start to feel unwell whilst at work, isolate yourself in a separate room or vehicle and contact your line manager immediately.
- Cover mouth & nose with tissue or sleeve (not hands) when you cough or sneeze. Throw tissues away immediately.
- Wash hands frequently with soap & water or hand sanitiser. There are toilet facilities on the first Floor and hand sanitiser and Desk wipes provided in the Office. We would also recommend that branch members also carry their own hand sanitiser.
- If any colleagues or members within close proximity appear to have a fever, cough, difficulty breathing etc. which shows signs of the virus; vacate the area and call Branch Secretary or Health & Safety for further advice.
- Avoid meetings members at the University and use video conferencing/alternative spaces where possible.
- All union officers are expected to wear masks or face coverings whilst at work & using the union Office, providing they do not have a disability which causes breathing difficulties.
- If any members or UNISON Branch Officers have a fever, cough, difficulty breathing etc. which shows signs of the virus – they must go home. Do not allow them to remain on the campus. If anyone within close proximity appears to have a fever, cough, difficulty breathing etc. which shows signs of the virus; vacate the area and contact the service you were with to inform them immediately.
- All Staff, students and visitors will avoid hand shaking and bodily contact with others.
Social Distancing
- Departmental staff members, Stewards & Branch officers, students and visitors are all expected to maintain a 2m distance from other staff and other building users at all times. Only one person in the office at a time.
- ALL Branch Officers and Stewards must keep 2m distance when using the kitchen for lunch breaks; and must have lunch and breaks alone in the Union office.
- When leaving the UNISON office (Room 3), a mask must be worn unless medically exempt.
Travelling to campus
- If you feel unwell or any member of your household or anybody you have recently come into contact with is or has recently become unwell. Do NOT come to the UNISON Office or campus.
- If you start to feel unwell whilst in the union office or on campus, isolate yourself in a separate room or leave immediately contact the Library to inform them immediately. (Clear contact details to be provided for informing about illness)
Using the UNISON office
- Before visiting the UNISON office please check no-one is intending the use the office at the same by checking our visitors log
- Ventilate the UNISON office while in use. The back door is able to be opened.
- If any UNISON members using the office; display signs of ill health, ask them to leave and arrange for a clean of the area where they were located and a clean of anything they may have come in to contact with. An antibacterial cleaner must be used and a mask worn.
- Antibacterial spray cleaner and wipes will be made available to all staff and handles, surfaces and equipment touched should be regularly cleaned. Hand washing or the use of hand sanitiser after touching items, touched by others is essential. The rule of thumb is:
- Wash or sanitise your hands when you enter the building
- Wash or sanitise your hands when you sit at your desk
- Wash or sanitise your hands when leaving your desk
- Wash or sanitise your hands whenever you return to your desk before touching anything
- Branch Officers are advised to bring their own food to negate the need to attend shops or eateries in the local area.
- Where possible/do not use anyone else’s desk and wipe clean your desk daily. Door handles should be periodically cleaned, hands should be sanitised after touching door handles.
- Deep clean Requests must be made to the Estates Department.
Anyone failing to abide by the rules set out by Goldsmiths, University of London will be apprehended and asked to leave site if this persists.
Further governmental guidance can be found at